Word & Spirit Children's Ministry Since 1986

Powerpack is all about seeing children raised up as ‘God chasers and nation shakers’.  Powerpack is interdenominational and charismatic in character. We are team based – drawing volunteers from various churches throughout the UK and overseas.

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Friday 7th & Saturday 8th March 2025

Heather Thompson (Director of Powerpack) is the keynote speaker. Other experienced leaders from different churches, who are part of the Powerpack team, will also be sharing. On Saturday afternoon there will be a couple of sessions, specifically for under 5s leaders, as well as other workshops, including an Encounter area, with a variety of activities.

Our overall aim is not to simply provide teaching but that children’s leaders go will away re-envisioned and refreshed. We believe that times of worship and impartation are important for this. – opportunity to hear God, be re-filled and receive fresh vision.


Powerpack originated from the concept that children can be little ‘powerpacks’ for God. The ministry was founded in 1986 by Heather Thompson who is still the director of the ministry.  Powerpack is all about seeing children raised up as ‘God chasers and nation shakers’. Powerpack is interdenominational and charismatic in character.

Meet The Team
Schools Encounter – CONNECT
Training & Equipping


Over the last 35 years we have created high-quality resources and curriculum to support churches.  Take a look.

Children’s Books
Vision & Inspiration


Across the world there are stories of God at work.  How can you use these testimonies to equip and encourage.  Heather Thompson (Director of Powerpack Ministries) has collated stories, testimonies and videos of God at work.

Ignite With Testimonies
Inspiring Videos
God Using Children
Children In History
Children With Big Dreams

Gonna Be A Powerpack

Hello, my name is Ted, I live in California, USA. I am 22 and nearly done with college. I first attended Powerpack in the Spring of 1997, and it was there that I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Today I am still, as the song goes: “Standing strong (I won’t hold back!) Following Jesus (no way...

Powerpack at Faith Camp to YWAM in San Francisco

I see there now that places I have been and people that I have come into contact with have really shaped my life. My parents were new Christians when I was a child, and so sought out help in bringing my siblings and I up in the ways of God. I remember once a year going to a family camp, and there...

God Holds The Whole Family In His Hands

I am the Mum of Sarah who is 9. We were at Grapevine Celebration in August. One night after Powerpack Sarah said to me “God says that He holds our whole family in His hands.” I asked her how God had told her this. She said that the children had all been asked to lay on the floor and ask God to...

Faith in God not dependant on being healed.

Our daughter Jayne went to Powerpack in 1991 when she was 8 years old. during the week she gave her life to Jesus, was filled with the Holy Spirit and was praying in tongues. She was so excited the night she was filled with the Holy Spirit that she did cartwheels all the way back to our unit. From...

We Received Prayer As A Family

We received prayer as a family by a group of Powerpack team on the open afternoon for all the family particularly around A's  toilet training .( A is aged 7 at the time and after many failed attempts) and J's eczema. Well, on the last day a leader told me that A had given her life to the...

A Life Transformed

Last time we went to Spring Harvest Samuel was 5 and claimed not to have enjoyed the children’s activities and was reluctant to go. I wasn’t sure how he would be this time, even though he is now 7 and he definitely had half a mind to object strongly. However when I went to collect him after the...

A left foot turned inwards

I’ve heard from Daniel’s mum an amazing testimony! He was born with his left foot turned inwards, which made it hard for him to walk properly. Since being prayed for in Powerpack his foot has straightened out and he can walk perfectly. It’s stayed fine even now he’s home – God is so good! Well...

No Worries

Just wanted to let you know that Hannah asked me this morning if she could take into school the Powerpack CD she got at Spring harvest this year as one of the tracks was relevant to their subject in circle time the day before which was about worrying. Apparently they were talking through in class...


My daughter was at Powerpack  this year. Last week just before Powerpack I noticed a verruca had come up on the soles of her feet. On the Tuesday afternoon when we were home, I took her to her swimming lesson. I duly put on her plastic shoes and she went swimming. On coming out of her lesson I...

Camping is good but not as good as Powerpack

A few days ago we were talking about Powerpack and about another church camp we are attending in the spring (not with Powerpack). He said camping is good but Powerpack is awesome and every day he prays that God will be as real to him all year as He is there. He also said he doesn’t want to leave...

Mission In Africa Age 12

Dear Heather and the Powerpack team , I’m writing to tell you about how you helped me go out in the world and make a difference !I came to power pack a couple of years ago now and in the morning service the first year i came, we talked about Heidi Baker and her work out in Africa, which I felt...

The Biggest Smile

“I gave my life to God at Powerpack when I was 7 years old. I stayed behind after the meeting and one of the leaders prayed with me. I remember being so happy. I ran all the way back to tell my parents, with the biggest smile on my face. That was my 5th year of Faith Camp and I am still coming...

Powerpack Changed My Life

At Powerpack I gave my life to God although I had believed in him for as long as I can remember. Powerpack was my favourite group and I can remember a sketch called ‘Indianna Bones and the Lost Tea Cup’. I was taught how to worship and was touched by the Holy Spirit. One memorable evening we were...

Team Member Healed

A little boy was praying for children with leg problems (I think it was the Thursday, the day when the children were let loose to come forward with things the Lord had told them). I asked him to pray for my knee as it had given me problems since January (I had a cyst in the back of it). The moment...

I always left Powerpack wanting more

My mum and dad are Christians, as are my two sisters. Every year for a few years we went as a family to Kingdom Faith Faith camp in Peterborough at the East of England Showground. That is where I experienced Powerpack! As a child who attended a very small church with hardly any other children...

A long term deposit put in his life

Hi Powerpack team, I realize Grapevine is nearly upon us and that you are all very busy, but I did want to contact you and tell you a story that I hope will encourage.  I work for the an Inter-Schools Christian Union, we are a schools work ministry. Every August we take up to 70 secondary school...

A testimony that will bless your socks off.

Samuel aged 5½ (last year) favourite bit of RIVER Camp was writing prophetic messages to leave them on car windscreens.  When we got home he asked me (Grandma Linda) if he could write some for his neighbours.  So I bought some cards and he painstakingly and in his best handwriting wrote 13 (at 5½...