Word & Spirit Ministry Since 1986
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Children’s Ministry Since 1986

Powerpack works in many situations across the UK and internationally.  Leading events for over 35 years, working with churches for weekends, consultancy and all-age celebrations. Powerpack has created a wide range of resources for worship, for teaching and for prayer, some available in other languages.

Powerpack Ministries

Powerpack is all about seeing children raised up as ‘God chasers and nation shakers’.  Powerpack is interdenominational and charismatic in character. We are team based – drawing volunteers from various churches throughout the UK and overseas. 

Children Changing Nations

Children Changing Nations is a network whose aim is to see children equipped and ready to carry and release God’s love and goodness in their communities and in the nation. We achieve this by inspiring children and their leaders through our teaching series, practical ideas, launch days, and mission opportunities.


Connect is passionate that by connecting children and communities in the areas of faith, this produces whole people who understand themselves more effectively and can relate to others of all faiths and of no faith with a deeper understanding and celebration of the links that bring people together. 

What do we believe?

  • Children are part of the church today and should be treated as such.
  • Children need to encounter God for themselves in salvation and then develop their own relationship with God.
  • Children can be filled with the Holy Spirit, receive and use the gifts of the Spirit and be used powerfully by God.
  • Parents have the primary responsibility for their children’s spiritual well being with the church fulfilling a supportive role.
  • Fun and spiritual activities are not mutually exclusive.
  • Children deserve the best that we can give them in terms of leaders and programme. We should aim for excellence in every area of our work.
  • Children need to be taught the word of God as a basis for life and all the experiences they have in God.
  • Each child has a destiny in God which we need to help them discover and then equip them to fulfil.

Our Powerpack theme song encapsulates what we aim to help and equip children to be:-

Gonna be a Powerpack,  Gonna be a nation shaker, Gonna make an impact,  Gonna be a kingdom maker, Standing strong (I won’t hold back), Following Jesus (No way back), He’s the Lord (And that’s a fact),  I’m a mighty Powerpack, Showing that we love you Jesus,  by doing what you tell us to, Listening close to Your commands, Standing for what’s true, Don’t wanna leave this world as we found it,  Don’t want it to be the same, We want to see revival come In the power of Jesus’ name!

Meet The Powerpack Core Team

Heather Thompson
Founder & International Director

Heather has been involved in children’s ministry since she was too old to be a child in the Sunday school! Leading children’s groups early in her teenage years, God called her to full time children’s work when she was 15 years old. After teaching for 5 years in both Primary and Secondary schools she left that job to fulfill her calling.

Heather, as well as other members of the team, have ministered extensively throughout the UK and internationally in countries such as: Argentina, Armenia, Uganda, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Spain, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Romania, Thailand, Burma and the USA.

e: heather@ppcentre.co.uk
Training & Consultancy | International Links | Ignite With Testimonies | Ignite Book

Chris Jackson
Creative Resources & Worship

Chris has been working with Powerpack for well over 20 years, writing and producing large numbers of songs, music and training materials along the way. As well as working full-time for Powerpack, Chris has recorded two albums and leads worship in her own church.

e: chris@ppcentre.co.uk
Training & Consultancy | Worship Resources | Curriculum

Emma Brackley
Resources Management & Trustee

Emma is a dietician and in her spare time and volunteers with Powerpack.  Emma is one of our team of Powerpack Trust trustees. Emma leads church weekends and travels with Heather or Nick to support children’s ministry and training.  She lives in Guildford and works as a children’s leader in her local church, Millmead Baptist.  Emma often choreographs the actions and movements to songs and runs lots of the activities at events.

e: emma@ppcentre.co.uk
Training & Consultancy | Church Weekends | The Powerpack Trust 

Linds is the founder and leader of Powerpack’s CONNECT Project.  She has been Deputy Head Teacher in two Oxfordshire Primary schools, and acting Head in one.  She has taught across the whole Primary age range.  She brings her degree in RE and theology together with this teaching experience to the Connect team. 

Linds is part of the Children Changing Nations team.  Whilst teaching part-time she is a consultant for churches developing children’s programmes and running events.

e: lindsledger@gmail.com
Children Changing Nations | Connect | Training & Consultancy | Church Weekends

Alan Morton | WHBC Manchester

Thanks you so much to you and the team for giving yourselves to our children at WHBC.  Thank you for training ‘today’s church , leaders of their generation!

Sophie Moulson | St Paul’s Jersey

Thanks so much to both of you for all your hard work!  We have loved having you both here in Jersey.  The feedback has been so positive and the team really loved it also.

Kip Crooks | St Peter’s Liverpool

Nick,  we enjoyed your visit. You were such an inspiration to us all, and we were really challenged, made to think and you had such a great way of listening and affirming what was going on here at St Peter’s that it felt like really positive, helpful two days....

Dave & Karen Smith | Kingsgate

Heather has had some very significant input into the children's work at Kingsgate Community Church over the last few years. Her experience and expertise has taken things to a whole new level. She has helped to birth a very successful Powerpack style meeting that is...

Erika Biscoe | Emmanuel Church, Bicester

Thank you Nick for your training day – We were really inspired, encouraged and challenged by the things you shared. Erika Biscoe, Emmaunel Church, Bicester

Brenda Davidson | Children’s Leader Croydon

“Thank You! Just to say once again, thank you for all that you spoke about at the conference. I really am so encouraged and feel empowered to make changes.” Brenda, Children’s Leader, Croydon

Clive Urquhart | Kingdom Faith

Powerpack always creates a fantastic environment for children to know Jesus in a real and personal way. From being filled with the Holy Spirit to hearing God and being released in praise and worship, we have seen thousands of children’s lives impacted at our annual...

Stuart Bell | Groundlevel

Powerpack is a unique Christian ministry to children. Whilst bringing clear Biblical teaching in an environment of friendship and fun, children are encouraged to be open to the dynamic of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I highly recommend this ministry. Stuart Bell -...

Trevor Johnson | Kings Church Horsham

Powerpack's input to our children’s work has been invaluable. Heather's ability to communicate how to lead children into the presence of God has had significant impact on our ministry and has challenged and inspired us. She has a clear anointing to enable children to...

What Does Powerpack Do?

The primary aim of Powerpack is to teach, train and resource children’s Leaders, children, parents and churches. Our primary desire is to see leaders and parents envisioned, empowered and equipped to raise up children as God Chasers and Nation Shakers.

This is done in a variety of ways and situations listed below:

International work

Powerpack has served in many countries beyond the UK.  There are four main countries with have built up relationships in: Argentina, Italy, Thailand & the USA.



USA Powerpack has been involved in ministry in the USA since 1996. This has been mainly focused on the Reno/Tahoe/Sacramento area (Nevada &...

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Thailand & Myanmar

Thailand & Myanmar

THAILAND & MYANMAR Jenny & Adrian Oliver co-ordinate Powerpack in Asia from their home in Littlehampton, England!  Jenny has been involved...

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Italy It has been exciting to work with the 'Gesu Fonte di Aqua Viva' network of churches both in their main base in Modena as well as  some of...

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Argentina Powerpack has been working in Argentina for many years.  It all began with some personal trips to experience the revival happening there...

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