Discover the stories of children who have seen signs and wonders, miracles and revivals in the past.



Throughout history children have played an active part in signs and wonders and the growth of God’s kingdom.  Take a look at the stories and resources and fuel your passion for revival.


In 1816 in the village chapel, Capel y Nant, near Saethon, Gwynedd, a bored disabled boy wanted to find some rest and quiet between the end of the preaching service and the start of Sunday school. He crept into the church loft but his peace was shattered when the daughter of one of the elders joined him. Both children were moved to pray and they were soon joined by others in their serious entreaty. Apparently the venue was no hindrance to these children and young people who made prayer a regular weekly event and often met out of doors among the prickly gorse bushes. Eryl Davies, who writes about this event in his book The Beddglert Revival (Bryntirion Press) indicates that prayer was for them an ‘enjoyable’ experience. The following year revival came to Capel y Nant.



In Kilsyth, outside Glasgow, in 1742 upwards of seventy-five children between the ages of nine and eighteen were awakened to a sense of sin and their need of a Saviour. One six-year-old girl was in great distress. She told the minister that she had become aware of her sin through the preaching. One wonders how many six-year-olds are hearing sermons in our contemporary evangelical churches?
In Shapinsay, Orkney in 1861 it was reported in the local paper that boys of ten and eleven years of age were experiencing great anxiety about their souls.

Find More Information: Scotland And The Great Awakening


John G. Lake, one of the great faith healers of the 1940s, reported many instances of children being used by the Lord in his meetings. John Graham Lake was born on March 18, 1870 in Ontario, Canada. When he was small his family moved to Michigan, in the United States. While he was still young, Lake attended a Salvation Army meeting and became convicted of his need for a saviour, and he invited Jesus to become Lord of life.



Here are are few amazing longer reads!



As they turned the corner, the little three-year-old could see the dingy white warehouse that people crowded into 24 hours a day. Although she was just over three years old, the journey was a daily affair and with the evening dampness in the air, she couldn’t wait to get inside the Azusa Street meeting place. Now a daily tradition, she would take in all the excitement that filled the room, marveling and wondering about all that was happening around her. Although the child didn’t understand why people were shouting and crying, nor the miracles that were taking place, she liked the atmosphere. But, what she liked most was that in a few minutes after entering the room, Mom would find her seat and she would be able to crawl under the pew, get comfortable, and take a nap.

This toddler had also become comfortable with the thick mist that filled the room. Being in a playful mood when she woke up from her nap, she would try to gather
the mist into her arms. She loved the cloud that filled the Azusa Street Warehouse for almost three and one-half years during what is now historically called the Azusa
Street Revival. It would be a few years before she was old enough to understand that she was trying to capture the Shekinah Glory of God.

As a mere child, she literally breathed the Shekinah Glory into her young, developing lungs. She experienced Azusa through the eyes and mind of a young toddler. Although her mind could not comprehend all that was going on around her, she knew she was in a very special place among some very special people at a very
special time.

As she grew older, she would learn of the miracles and Presence of God in the form of the Shekinah Glory—so thick during those meetings—where she found comfort
under the pew. She would be able to tie together the experiences recalled by family and friends with the experiences her heart captured but her mind was unable
to comprehend at that tender age.

This story was told by Jean Darnall, who followed in the steps of Aimee Semple-McPherson.

Azusa Street: They told Me their Stories


Renee Martz was a young girl that God used powerfully.

7 year old Renee Martz of Los Angeles, California loves dolls, animals, travelling and chewing gum but her heart belongs to evangelism.

7 year old Renee Martz has followed the sawdust trail all over the world.

In little more than a year Renee has preached to audiences totalling 200,000 in virtually every major city in the world. ‘Of this number’ says her father Jack Martz ‘Renee has led 6,000 souls to the altar to confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ.

Read more in The St Petersburg Times February 3rd 1951 (page 18)

Renee Martz Girl Evangelist to Speak Here

Little Girl Evangelist also wants a ‘poodle’ haircut

The Owosso Argus-Press – Feb 11, 1952 (page 7)

Short reports/adverts from digitised newspapers


Attached to a chapel where revival services were being held was a school of two to three hundred children from the surrounding neighbourhood. During the first week, while the revival services were being held in the chapel a few children of the day school were seen earnestly seeking mercy. The next morning, the teacher of the school, rose at the early hour, and, while pleading for the rapid spread of the revival, and particularly that the work that had commenced among the children might go on, she had the assurance that God was going to work mightily. That morning, before the usual school duties were commenced, she taught the children the text “Now is the accepted time, behold today is the day of salvation.” She then requested the children to remain silent for a few moments, and reflect upon the word “now.” She broke the solemn silence by praying audibly; when she heard stifled sobs all around her, and on rising from prayer she found herself surrounded by a large number of deeply convicted children. Some cried out, “Oh, teacher, pray for us,” whilst others, leaning upon her shoulder, sobbed out, “Oh, teacher, we will give our hearts to Jesus.” She then asked all that had fully resolved to come to Jesus to follow her from the schoolroom to the chapel vestry. The vestry was immediately filled, and some, unable to get in, were kneeling outside the vestry door.

1859 Revival in Liverpool


Boys and girls have simple faith that is reflected in their prayers. God used one group of young prayer warriors to set in motion a chain of events that brought sweeping revival to Central Europe, ultimately launching the modern-missionary era.

The year was 1707. The place was Silesia. In this region, now part of modern-day Poland, children took the lead in standing up for religious freedom. They did not use violence or organized protests. Instead, these boys and girls sought God’s help through a prayer uprising. They trusted that He not only heard their requests, but was powerful enough to answer.

Sixty years earlier, leaders of the dominant religion had closed more than 1,000 evangelical churches, forcing pastors and their families into exile. Small groups of believers continued to meet secretly, in spite of laws prohibiting their assembly. “Children would have learned to pray on their parents’ knees.” –“Kinderbeten: The Origin, Unfolding, and Interpretations of the Children’s Prayer Revival” by Eric Jonas Swensson (2010)

Boys and girls in mountain villages gathered for worship and prayer in open fields on the outskirts of town. “The children of Silesia began on their own to assemble in groups outdoors, two to three times a day to pray for freedom of religion and peace in their country. At morning, noon, and late afternoon the children of the community walked quietly two by two to a predetermined meeting place where they would sing a hymn, listen to a chapter of the Bible being read by one of their own, recite some psalms, and fall on their faces in prayer.”–“Kinderbeten: A Tale of Hope and Prayer” by Eric Jonas Swensson (2010)

Adults had mixed reactions. Many parents whose children participated feared retribution from local authorities. “Some tried locking their children in the house, but they would climb out of the windows! Other adults were drawn to the move of God. They would form a circle around the praying children. In some places, the combined number might reach 300 souls. Magistrates brought pressure to bear to disperse these meetings. One bailiff came with a whip, but when he heard the prayers, he could not use it.” –“A Revival in Poland Began with Praying Children” by Trevor Saxby (2017)

Children’s prayer meetings spread to neighboring towns and cities, sparking a wave of revival among evangelical believers. Soon afterwards, Sweden assisted the believers, helping them gain more freedom of worship. A few years later, “The Jesus Church in Teschen had between 5,000 and 10,000 worshipers every week and conducted services in German, Polish and Czech.” –“Prayer and Revival: Yesterday and Today” by Nathan A. Finn (2014)

The revival swept across Moravia, the Czech region of Silesia. Moravian believers escaping persecution founded a community in Germany called Herrnhut. Experiencing their own God-ordained revival in 1727, Moravian adults and children began a continuous prayer meeting that lasted 100 years. God used their prayers for the unreached to launch the modern-missionary era.

In the 1700s, God used children to bring about revival among European believers, influence the political situation of their day, and unleash a movement of Goers focused on the unreached. How might God use the prayers of children in your family, church, or region? God is still on the move today and He invites your children to join Him.

Used by permission of Weave ( Visit their website for more ideas and resources to help your family learn about and engage with God’s global purposes


Throughout history, God used children to advance His mission to make Himself known and worshipped among all nations. In some cases, children were pivotal …

The year was 1965. The place was Indonesia. Revival swept across the island of Timor, not only among the adults, but among children as well. Here is what happened one night as 200 people of all ages were praying.

“God moved upon the mountain town of Soe in Timor on Sunday 26 September 1965. That night people heard the sound of a tornado wind, and flames above the Reformed Church building prompted police to set off the fire alarm.” –“Astounding Church Growth” by Geoff Waugh (Renewal Journal, Feb. 28, 2016)

This was not a man-made fire, but rather God’s Spirit moving among the believers just like at Pentecost. From this revival came ongoing intercession for the unreached peoples of the world, among both the adults and children. Children as young as six gathered for daily prayer meetings.

Local believers formed 90 evangelistic teams to reach out to the animistic tribes in the area. Some of these believers were children. “Boys and girls wept and prayed for the nations, laid hands on the sick, and went into the jungles to preach Christ in the villages. We called them our children’s teams.” –“Like a Mighty Wind” by Mel Tari (1995)

“In the first three years of this revival 200,000 became Christians in Timor, and on another small island where few had been Christians, 20,000 became believers.” –“Astounding Church Growth” by Geoff Waugh (Renewal Journal, Feb. 28, 2016)

In the mid 1900s, God used Indonesian children to intercede for the nations and reach out to unreached tribes in their area. What might God have in mind for the generation of children growing up in your region? In your local church? In your home? God is still advancing His mission and He still invites children to join Him.

Used by permission of Weave ( Visit their website for more ideas and resources to help your family learn about and engage with God’s global purposes


Once boys and girls understand and embrace God’s heart and purposes for the peoples of the world, most are eager to participate in God’s work. Because their enthusiasm is contagious, children find it easy to enlist others to join them. Here are two examples of children mobilizing other believers.

Jana was ten when she learned that some believers living in English-speaking countries did not have their own copy of the Bible. After hearing that Bible League International distributed pre-owned English Bibles in these regions, Jana decided to partner with them by collecting used Bibles.

First Jana invited her two younger siblings to join her. Then she decided to expand the invitation to members of her local church. Jana phoned her pastor and explained what she was doing. She asked for permission to share about the project with the families at church.

On Sunday morning, Jana stood on the stage at her church. It was the first time she had ever used a microphone or spoken to so many adults. She introduced the Bible-collecting project and invited everyone to get involved. Together with her church, Jana collected 90 Bibles to send overseas.

Natalie was nine when she learned that only three percent of Duga* people followed Jesus and that no Bible existed in their language. Her church teacher shared about a way that children could partner with The Seed Company to help fund an ongoing Bible translation project among this people group. Natalie decided to raise money and enlisted the help of her sister and friends who lived nearby. Here is what she did.

“I started a nature club last year. My friends and I help neighbours by doing jobs outside like raking leaves and walking dogs. We do not ask for money, but most people pay us. We were going to use the money for something else, but when I head that the Duga people don’t have Bibles, I decided to use the money that we earn to help them.” The children in Natalie’s nature club raised enough money to translate two verses from Luke into the language of the Duga people.

When God invited Jana and Natalie to join Him in His work, both were eager, creative, and inspiring in their response. God not only used these girls to spread His Word among under-resourced believers and Bible-less peoples, but also to engage others in His work. When you think about the children in your home or church, do you view them as partners in God’s work? How might you offer them concrete opportunities to join with God in what He is doing around the world?

Used by permission of Weave ( Visit their website for more ideas and resources to help your family learn about and engage with God’s global purposes


An amazing story of children being taken to heaven and experiencing the glory of God. This book tells the story of when the Holy Spirit fell on a group of children in an orphanage that H. A. Baker and his wife Josephine were running. They had amazing visions of heaven etc.

Download the whole book here: Visions Beyond The Veil



Adults challenged by children! The revival in the 1950’s in the Belgian Congo also resulted in groups of children spontaneously meeting for fasting and prayer without any adult intervention or organisation. In fact the adults were challenged by the children ‘why haven’t you taught us these wonderful truths before?’



In the Revival of 1859 in Scotland, a three year-old girl in Eyemouth gave her mother assurance of salvation by quoting the text she heard the minister preach on the preceding day. An eight year-old boy preached in Findochty, when “more were convicted and converted than on any other occasion”. A ten year-old boy prayed publicly in Hopeman for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and revival broke out. In Portessie an elder of the Scot’s Free Kirk was horrified one night to arrive home and find his fourteen year-old daughter preaching to a house full of people listening intently.



Harry Sprange has made a study of children in the history of the church, with an emphasis on revival. His study focused on 300 years of Scottish church history, from the eighteenth-twentieth century and has been published in Children in Revival (Christian Focus). He too makes many references to the fervent prayer of children. He records one incident in an institution in Edinburgh on 1741 when the house-mistresses were woken up with the voices of the girls in prayer and praise.
In April 1742 in Kirkintilloch, near Glasgow, sixteen children were meeting in a barn to pray in preference to play. And in Cambuslang a group of children between the ages of nine and thirteen were meeting together for prayer three times a day.
At Carrubbers Close Mission in Edinburgh in 1860 hundreds of children met regularly for prayer. At the time people said that their prayers were a challenge and rebuke to older believers.
Children’s prayer meetings were also prevalent in the 1904 Welsh Revival. Many took place in school playgrounds.