It’s great to read stories of God at work, but even better to see and hear about them.

We’ve collated inspiring videos to ignite vision in you.

Lana Vawser “I heard the Lord say ” Do not push the children aside in this new era.”

In this new era there is going to be incredible demonstrations of the Lord’s power and Glory. He is going to reveal Himself in such profound ways that it is going to leave the people of God and the world in awe and wonder of who He is.   Since the middle of last year...

Jennifer LeClaire “A Prophetic Dream of Children Leading Revival at Awakening House of Prayer”

Jennifer LeClaire shares a prophetic dream she had about revival breaking out among the children at Awakening House of Prayer. Let's press in to raise up children who are so hungry for God that they lead the way into revival!

Victoria Cooper “I See an Army Rising Up”

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Frederick Douglass In prayer recently I saw a picture of an army rising up out of the Church, but it wasn’t an army of adults, it was an army of children, 18 years and younger. They looked strong and...

Jarrod Cooper “The glory of God will fall on children intensely in this coming era, in encounters, dreams, worship, prayer, an authority being released upon a new generation, who are less distracted than the former. God is forming a generation who will carry His glory.

Isaiah 60 – The Glory of Zion 60 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come...