Our daughter Jayne went to Powerpack in 1991 when she was 8 years old. during the week she gave her life to Jesus, was filled with the Holy Spirit and was praying in tongues.
She was so excited the night she was filled with the Holy Spirit that she did cartwheels all the way back to our unit.
From the first week at Powerpack Jayne’s life was completely focused on Jesus. In all that she did she wanted all her friends and family to have the same relationship with Jesus that she had.
Jayne developed cancer when she was 17 years old. This did not weaken her faith, it intensified it. She was worried every day that there was not enough time to tell everyone about Jesus. She said, “Even if I live to be 80 that is still not enough time to tell everyone, and how can any of us be happy in heaven is people are missing”.
Jayne spoke in youth clubs, schools, scout groups, churches and anywhere young people met, about her illness and her faith. She would say that God could heal her but even if He did not, she knew that God loved her so much and that she had a wonderful future with no more pain just waiting for her. her faith in God was not dependant on being healed in this life.
During Jayne’s last few years she worked as a leader in Powerpack at Faith camp. She valued so much what she received as a child in Powerpack and knew that without that experience she may never have become so close to God. She wanted to encourage the children and introduce them to her best friend Jesus.
Jayne went to be with Jesus just weeks after her 21st birthday. She continued witnessing to the end, even to the nurse who was with us when she died. Jayne left this world in complete peace and trust in Jesus. Without Powerpack, we as a family may never have had that full assurance of where our daughter and sister is now.
Adrian, Kay & Gareth Cheeseman