Samuel aged 5½ (last year) favourite bit of RIVER Camp was writing prophetic messages to leave them on car windscreens. When we got home he asked me (Grandma Linda) if he could write some for his neighbours. So I bought some cards and he painstakingly and in his best handwriting wrote 13 (at 5½ miraculous in itself). Then Abigail, 3, wanted to get in on the act so she asked if she could choose the houses (it’s a very long road) Samuel said she could but had to pray and not mess about because PRAYER IS VERY IMPORTANT NOT A GAME! And that is what we did and we posted them all through.
Just three weeks ago (start of August 2017) he was drawing a picture and I asked who for and he replied next door and I have a prophetic message for her. ‘God really does care’. So we posted it through. She works away and we hardly see her.
Abigail (3 last year and 4 now) meanwhile when out and about e.g. Tesco, B&Q, School playground etc. will suddenly shout out ‘Is anyone poorly Grandma and need healing ‘ cos I’m good at praying for healing, ‘God loves healing’
And lastly our Joshua then 8 who has significant eye problems mentioned in passing a few weeks after RIVER Camp ‘it’s great now I can see colour clearly!!!’ Wow! Up until this point we had been told it was unlikely he would be able to drive – no more!