Billy Buckle’s prayer was answered! He was now the proud owner of one, genuine, 100%, all-ready-all-steady, once-in-a-lifetime, ultra-reliable, all-powerful, super-duper, no-hassle, all-singing-all-dancing Right Hand Man. You’re probably thinking…‘What’s a Right Hand Man?’ Better get reading then! Let Billy’s Adventures with the Holy Spirit begin…
A marvellously, curious story unwrapping elements of The Holy Spirit’s character, with quirky, eye-catching illustrations by Baz Sellers.
Asha is an athlete. She’s hard-wired for action, but held back by heavy, burdensome bags. Her lazy, somewhat selfish and proud ways need to change for her to achieve her PB, her Personal Best. With Coach by her side, everything is possible.
This quirky sports story has glimpses of Hebrews 11 and 12, because God wants everyone to be the best they can be.