Isaiah 60 – The Glory of Zion

60 “Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

“Lift up your eyes and look about you:
All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar,
and your daughters are carried on the hip.
Then you will look and be radiant,
your heart will throb and swell with joy;
the wealth on the seas will be brought to you,
to you the riches of the nations will come.
Herds of camels will cover your land,
young camels of Midian and Ephah.
And all from Sheba will come,
bearing gold and incense
and proclaiming the praise of the Lord.
All Kedar’s flocks will be gathered to you,
the rams of Nebaioth will serve you;
they will be accepted as offerings on my altar,
and I will adorn my glorious temple.

On 17 January 2014 Lydia Stanley prophesied something that has often been said over Revive Church:

“For the Lord says I have designated this house as an epicentre for which my glory will be hosted. The Lord says I have targeted you very intentionally for revival but for so much more than that. Revival is an excellent vision but my vision is higher and the Lord says I will bring my glory to this house and it will affect Hull – yes – but it is going to reach out just like tentacles all across Great Britain and the Lord says from Scotland to Ireland to Wales to England the Glory of the Lord will be seen upon this land.

The Lord says lest you be concerned of what you are to do next, the Lord says, I have released angels by the 1000’s to this house, they will go forth from here and they will make your work effortless. You will see my glory says the Lord.”

This is exactly 6 years ago, and these last 6 years have been a tough season, filled with formation, learning, shaking, purifying, maturing…ready to build a house for God’s glory, in the natural and the spiritual. We are now entering the season of actually building a house for glory, ready for Revives next era, and many other churches and believers are entering a similar season, ready for the coming era that 2020 announces.

In 2020 God is…

  1. MOVING US FROM TABERNACLE TO TEMPLE. After a purifying journey through the wilderness, God is establishing us, clarifying the vision, releasing favour, empowering our purpose.
  2. OPENING NEW GLORY ROOMS & REALMS. We will be one of many places on the earth touched by God’s glory. Powerful worship, miracles, encounter, prophetic clarity, the life-changing calling of heaven will grow among us. A new glory is falling on the Church/Revive, that nations would be transformed.
  3. CALLING HIS BODY TO A NEW PURITY. The call to repentance and righteousness will convict our hearts once again, to return to His Word, to shun compromise, to embrace total surrender and total purity. There is a purifying in the house God, that His glory may dwell among us.
  4. MOVING UPON CHILDREN. The glory of God will fall on children intensely in this coming era, in encounters, dreams, worship, prayer, an authority being released upon a new generation, who are less distracted than the former. God is forming a generation who will carry His glory.
  5. CALLING OUT THE OLDER GENERATION. The need for stability, experience, wisdom and the hearts of Fathers, means a new reviving Spirit will fall upon an older generation. Their hearts will become fresh, vigorous, envisioned. Inter-generational fear will fall away to the spirit of fatherhood and motherhood. There is work to be done – IT IS NOT OVER OLDER GENERATION! You must be fathers and mothers to this move of God.
  6. RELEASING HARVEST WORKERS. A new evangelistic anointing is falling upon many. Clarity to release the gospel to neighbours, work colleagues, communities and entire cities will be released. Innovative new methods will reach many.
  7. RELEASING HIS KINGDOM MANDATE AS NEVER BEFORE. Favour is coming upon us to influence the areas of education, medicine, media, the arts family, government and even into church governance across a wide sphere.
  8. RELEASING NATIONS TO US, AND US TO NATIONS. The mandate to inspire revival in many nations means Revive will feel like an airport, with arrivals and departures constantly flowing, day and night. It is time for the Church to steward and serve nations, bringing transformation and reformation!
  9. MAKING AN APOSTOLIC TRIBE, A LARGE FAMILY, OUT OF US. God is forming many new apostolic tribes for this era, and new alignments and collaborations are being establishedOld denominational styles and methods are giving way to new tribes, who love and honour the entire family of God. At Revive, there is a gathering to the calling upon us. “Nations will come” and “sons will assemble” (Isaiah 60:3-4) and a new apostolic family committed to revival, glory, the prophetic, the harvest, the kingdom and the next generation in God’s purposes is being formed.

Let it be, Lord.

Shared from Jarrod Cooper’s Blog